As dog owners we all, from time to time, find ourselves at the veterinarian. Whether the problem is large, medium or small, a simple check up or a major surgery it all costs money. Many of us would contest that no cost is too great for our four legged furry friends, however, this does not mean that it doesn't hurt the pocket book. For giant breed owners these vet visits can do more then just hurt the pocket book, they can cripple it. Anyone choosing to own a dog should most certainly be financially prepared. A great way to start is by preparing a pet insurance comparison and looking into a pet insurance plan.
With numerous companies out there it can be hard to choose which pet insurance plan and company are right for you, your family and your bank account. Often there are many different options within one company. These options can include but aren't limited to; monthly cost, dollar amount covered, deductibles, including or excluding specialized procedures, and how often claims can be made. All of these factors, plus many more, make it very helpful to prepare a pet insurance comparison. To do this simply select five to ten companies that you feel could work for you. Prepare a chart that documents price, percentage of cost covered, and specialty procedures. Looking at price remember that the most inexpensive plans might be a great deal per month but may not have the coverage you want for your dog. Typically the more you spend on your pet insurance plan the more specialty procedures are covered. This may not matter for some dog owners, however, giant breed dogs and some pure breads are prone to less common conditions leading to expensive treatments and procedures. Depending on your dogs needs choosing a pet insurance plan could be the most important decision you make in relation to your furry family member.
It can be very helpful to talk to your Veterinarian about your pet insurance options. Many times vets will deal with one particular company. If you decide to choose the pet insurance plan that your vet recommends or the company they deal with then be sure to find out if they can take care of the paper work for you. Having your Veterinarian able to file claims for you is so handy. It means you will never forget to file and therefore never missing out on getting your money back. Many companies will give a time frame for which claims can be made after the visit. This time frame can range from three months, to a year, or in some case no time limitations at all. Obviously having no time frame is ideal, however, if the pet insurance plan you do choose has these limitations having your vet file for you is so convenient.
Remember to take your time. As stated above, choosing the right pet insurance plan for your dog might be the most important decision you make. Generally the cost of your insurance will seem insignificant when weighed against the peace of mind and security it will provide you and your dog with. Never having to worry if you can afford the very best for your best friend is priceless.
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